Friday 10 July 2015


Rating: 4/5 
Buy or Borrow: Buy 
Source: Copy courtesy of NetGalley 

Find Max.

That’s all Layla cares about. Not healing from the Fomore attack. Not finding answers to how she survived a fall that nearly killed her. Nothing will stop her. She will find him. She’ll even pair up with an overbearing Fallen Angel who’s hell bent on making everything harder than it needs to be if she has to.

Protect Layla.

For Max, nothing else matters. Not the bruises covering his body. Not the pain radiating from his broken bones. Not even his hands tied behind his back. He will find a way to save Layla, and the Fomore will pay if they’ve hurt her.

Every. Single. One of them.

In the second installment of The Fire Born trilogy, a new breed of villain looms—one Layla and Max will never suspect, and this killer has nothing to lose. Better yet, with Max and Layla’s deaths, victory is in the grip of the enemy.

Will Max and Layla find each other in time, or is it already too late for them both?

So I had a minor panic trying to read this. I've said before that my Kindle decided to die or go on strike or whatever and it's been out of commission for months, which is why there's a sudden influx of NetGalley reviews on my blog. Now I started to read this on my Kindle, imagine my panic when my supposedly "fixed" Kindle was like "nah mate, not in the mood today" and decided to glitch itself to the max. Luckily a reset and a few minutes of serious, complete panic fixed it and I could merrily read this, a good thing seeing as I read and loved the first book! 

I'd been super excited for the next book in this series as the book ended leaving you like "what?! How am I supposed to wait!?", Torn leaped right back in and was every bit as good as the first book. There are plenty of different plot threads all woven together to create the story. 

You can disappear in to the world entirely as the world building and the descriptions are all so vivid and imaginative. The characters are each well drawn and developed and their flaws make them more realistic and believable. There were so many feels in the book, particularly at the end, but I won't be specific because then spoilers, but I was literally shouting at the book at one point and I was like "hell no" and then the reveal happened right in the last chapter and I was like "oh my God what is happening, how do I wait for the next book?! How can you do this to me!?". Prepare for feels basically. 

The book kept spurring you on, you didn't want to put it down, there was so much intrigue. You have no idea who to trust, and there was so much going on that it was a constant twisty turny ride that would surprise you at every new turn. The end though, really did it for me. It wasn't like "MY LIFE IS OVER NO" cliffhangery, it was "well. Now I need to know what happens and waiting is going to be inconvenient". Like it's not an unbearable cliffhanger. But it is a pain! 

Hoping book number three is super fast because the romance in this book is so cute and then it took a very interesting turn and then everything's up in the air and the crap is hitting the fan. 

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