Friday 14 August 2015

Detectives and Dodo's

Hey guys! 
So I've been pretty quiet on the blogging front this week, I only really had a post for Wednesday, which is my bad. I'm all caught up on reviews, the only review books I have left are upcoming books which I'm working my way through! So that's one reason it's been pretty quiet this week, I think in the coming weeks I'll crack out some of the memes! To be fair I was supposed to do a TT Tuesday on Tuesday but I was a bit worse for wear. Why? 2 words....Dodo Con.

Dodo Con

I was lucky enough to be invited to Dodo Con by lovely people at Hodder, and Monday found me standing on a rooftop drinking far too much wine! 

Wine wasn't the only thing happening at Dodo Con (there where gummy worms too omg) there was.....books, obviously, quite a few books. A lovely view of London. Plenty of people to chat to, although our chatter wasn't all that literary. It was more like...fangirling over Buffy, Supernatural and various other shows haha. We also had the opportunity to colour a Pickwick. I can't draw all that well so I just settled for watching people more talented than me do it! 

All in all, I think a good evening was had by all. However, the drinks AFTER Dodo Con where what left me feeling like I'd been hit by a truck the next morning! 

But that's only a reason for not posting Monday and Tuesday! I hear you cry. Yes it is. I tripped and fell in to a website called Ancestry. There are many reasons I've embarked on this job that's been taking up my time, but the main one was that we have a WW1 tin and we wanted to know who it belongs to. Thus I fell in to Ancestry and have been glued to that website trying to work out who's related to who. I'm currently stuck and need to acquire some birth certificates, particularly my Grandmother's grandmother! Not to mention my Grandad's as he's adopted, but there's an entirely huge family story about that, that doesn't need to be got in to! Not going to lie, I feel like Sherlock Holmes half the time when I make a connection or find someone haha! 

So yes. That's why I've been quiet on the blogging this week! I plan to be back to normal next week, or at least have some meme's to keep you entertained when I don't have a review! 

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