Friday 27 January 2017

Light Novel: Strike The Blood 5

Strike The Blood: Fiesta for the Observers
Rating: 4/5 
Buy or Borrow: Buy 
Source: Copy courtesy of the publisher! 

Aya Tokoyogi and six other hardened magical criminals have broken out from imprisonment. Their goal--to completely erase the 'Witch of the Void,' Netsuke Minamaya, from existence. How these events will unfold in the Demon District will depend on the actions of the strongest vampire to ever exist, Kojou Akatsuki. 

I've been reading the manga volumes of this and I kind of got sent this by accident because I thought this was the manga, but was the light bad! I'm a complete moron sometimes! So, the manga isn't too far behind this from what I worked out when I read this after you know...reading volume 5 of the manga! But yeah, I don't think the manga is too far behind! 

The thing I liked about this series, is that it's vampires, something that's been done over and over again...but it has it's own twist to it to make it interesting. I'm so curious about Kojou's powers and the different things he can do and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it over the course of the series! I don't usually read this kind of manga/light novel and I started to read it, and was torn...but it kept pulling me back in because I was so curious about the vampires and the powers and the story! 

I really liked the writing and translation in this volume, right from the beginning it set the tone, and created an atmosphere and it drew you in. It's fast paced, we get different POV's so we can get a good picture of what's going on with the story and why people are doing things. There's some revelations in this volume and the plot progresses in an interesting direction which has me curious about what's going to happen next and I'm wondering if I should start reading the light novels now as well as the manga! 

I love manga, but with the light novels you get more information and background to people and events and actions, and obviously you get a better understanding of characters motivations! I'm not going to lie though, I totally ship Kojou and Yukina so I'm not really here for Asagi and the others, like it's amusing but sometimes it does bug me, and it can be a little bit ridiculous at points but like I said..the unique twists and the plot have hooked me in too far for me to get out! 

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